
ICOR Research Seminar – by Haitao Yu & Habofanoe Polaki

March 30th, 2023 / 14:00 - 15:30
Paris Campus and Zoom

On March 30th, indigenous organizations’ acts of resilience and of institutional translation will be at the center of the discussions in our next ICOR Seminar. First, Haitao Yu (IESEG) will present his paper “Place-Based Resources and Resilience: The Case of a First Nation Heritage Center in Canada”, co-authored with Tima Bansal (Ivey Business School) and Diane-Larue Arjalies (Ivey Business School).

Then, Habofanoe Polaki (IESEG) will present his research project “Institutional Translation Ad Infinitum: Localizing Hiv/Aids Relief In Lesotho”, co-authored with Farrah Kodeih (IESEG) and Wim Van Lent (IESEG).