
ICOR/Management Research Seminar – by Patricia H. Werhane

April 14th, 2016

Prof. Patricia H. Werhane (Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, USA) presented a paper entitled Strategic global strategy: The intersection of general principles, corporate responsibility, and economic value-added on April 14, 2016 in the context of a Management/ICOR Research Seminar.


WERHANEPatricia Werhane is a founding member and past President of the Society for Business Ethics and founder and former editor-in-chief of Business Ethics Quarterly. She is a prolific author (over 20 books) including one of the most widely used textbooks in our field, Ethical Issues in Business (with T. Donaldson). Her key contributions cover topics such as employee rights in the workplace, the legacy of Adam Smith, the concept of moral imagination in management decision-making, the role of women in business, and global poverty (she recently started as Host and Executive Producer the Emmy Award winning documentary television series “Big Questions”). Patricia retired recently and is now Professor Emeritus both at the Department of Philosophy of DePaul University and at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia. To celebrate her career, The Darden School hosted a conference on  “Works & Research of Patricia Werhane” on April 8-10 where her contributions on these and other topics will be discussed by leading scholars such as Ed Freeman, Norman Bowie, Richard De George and others.