Hugo CALAMINI crowdfunds for Destiny Foundation

Professors at IÉSEG Center for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR) guide students that offer pro-bono service to social ventures. Hugo Calamini, a Master student at IESEG School of Management, is conducting a consulting project and has launched a crowdfunding campaign for Destiny Foundation, a social enterprise based in Calcutta, India. The social enterprise, under the direction of its founder Smarita Sengupta, aims at empowering vulnerable women who are victims of sex trafficking or who are at high risk of exploitation. At least €255 in 18 days remain to be raised.

Destiny Foundation PosterThe objective of the campaign is to purchase a computer and recruit a digital literacy trainer in order to develop the company’s social activities. The funds will allow the female beneficiaries to acquire computer skills that will help them pursue a respectable living! This project is fully in line with IÉSEG’s mission and the values of ICOR to train responsible managers.

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More on Destiny Foundation: