
IÉSEG School of Management, through ICOR, encourages and supports research-related initiatives addressing the analysis of business and society relationships and relating to ethics, social responsibility and sustainability in a business context. In this line, ICOR members mostly develop research activities across three broad axes:

1. Business and its relationships with society: A business-oriented focus

Along this axis, IÉSEG researchers develop efforts to understand the strategic, organisational and operational implications of the adoption a social responsibility and/or sustainability-oriented, values-driven paradigm by business organizations. In this line of research, ICOR researchers mostly study the development of values-based and stakeholder-oriented management models; social responsibility and sustainability strategy design and development processes; organisational learning, development and change for social responsibility and sustainability; social and environmental accounting practices; organizational justice and the human impact of organizational life; and responsible leadership practices.

2. Business and its relationships with society: A society-oriented focus

Along this second axis, ICOR researchers focus on understanding the role of societal actors and business organizations’ external stakeholders in the development of socially responsible and sustainability-oriented business practices. These research efforts include in this perspective the study of stakeholder influence tactics and strategies; the consideration of anti-corporate social movements; and analysis of the role of business schools in developing more responsible business practices.

3. Business and its relationships with society: An interaction and collaboration focus

Finally, in line with the idea according to business organisations must constructively interact and engage with their internal and external stakeholders in order to walk the social responsibility and sustainability talk, ICOR members across different departments study social responsibility- and sustainability-related reporting and communication strategies and their impact on stakeholders; social responsibility- and sustainability-related identity management practices; stakeholder dialogue processes; cross-sector social partnerships; and social innovation processes.

The research expertise of ICOR members is reflected by their growing record of publications.

Research Seminars

ICOR runs research seminars that are open to all academics, including researchers who are not part of IESEG School of Management or Université Catholique de Lille. Launched at the end of 2014, these seminars cover a wide range of topics related to business and society relationships and attract guest speakers from the School and other French and international experts from the field. These seminars provide academics with a platform to meet and discuss the latest topics in business and society relationships.


Conferences and Colloquiums

Next to ICOR research seminars, ICOR and its members contribute to the organization and hosting of wider research events in France and abroad.



  • Selling, N., & de Bakker, F.G.A. (2025). When employees matter: How employee resource groups and workforce liberalism jointly spur firms to support pro-LGBTQ legislation. Journal of Business Research, 186, 115017.


  • Ben-Hafaïedh, C., Pattitoni, P., & Petracci, B. (2024). Egregious Separation Payments? The role of internal and external corporate governance. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 18(3), 241-267.
  • Bertipaglia, E., & Walker, H. (2024). Beyond participation: Meaningful engagement of non-state actors in international organisations: Lessons learnt from the process to strengthen observer engagement in the UNFCCC. In Axel Marx, Jan Wouters, & Rita Guerreiro Teixeira (Eds.), Towards More Inclusive Rule-Making by International Organisations: Challenges and Innovations. Edward Elgar Publishing, in press.
  • Bouten, L., Michelon, G., & Roberts, R. W. (2024). The challenge of measuring CSR performance. In Magnan, M. & Michelon, G. (Eds.), Handbook on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, 978-1-80220-876-4, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, Chapter 6, pp. 68-81.
  • Castillo, M., Esper, S., Birollo, G., & de Bakker, F.G.A. (2024). Transition 2026: Stakeholder engagement and the co-construction of a climate strategy in a French business school. In Starik, M. & Shrivastava, P. (Eds.), Sustainable Universities and Colleges, Edward Elgar Publishing, Chapter 5, pp. 82-107.
  • Chenet H. (2024). Climate change and biodiversity loss: new territories for financial authorities, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 68 (1), 101449.
  • de Bakker, F., Pek, S., & Bapuji, H. (2024). How to achieve impact with innovative publication formats: Taking stock of Business & Society’s Commentary Section. Business & Society, 63(8), pp. 1691-1708.
  • de Bodt, E., Cousin, J.-G., & Dupire, M. (2024). Does CSR help firms to cope with supply chain disruptions? Evidence from the Suez Canal Ever Given obstruction. Finance, 45(2), 90-145.
  • De Colle S., Freeman E., Wicks A., (2024), Toward Humanistic Business Ethics, Business & Society, 63 (3), pp. 542-571.
  • de Roo, M., Wickert, C., de Bakker, F., & Elfring, T. (2024). From seller to broker: How issue sellers engage with external stakeholders to sell issues inside organizations. Strategic Organization, in press.
  • Dries, N., Luyckx, J., & Rogiers, P. (2024). Imagining the (distant) future of work. Academy of Management Discoveries, 10(3), 319-350.
  • Goethals, F., & Ziegelmayer, J. L. (2024). The greening of IT use: The impact of environmental concerns on the use of internet systems. Information Technology and People, 37(1), 356-373.
  • Hudson, B. A., & Laguecir, A. (2024). Too poor to get social housing: PMS and organized stigma of beneficiaries in a social housing organization. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, TBD(TBD), pp. TBD.
  • Hudson, B. A., Zhang, R., Voronov, M., Toubiana, M., & Vince, R. (2024). Beyond the feeling individual: Insights from sociology on emotions and embeddedness. Journal of Management Studies, 61(5), 2212-2250.
  • Huybrechts, B., Haugh, H., & Doherty, B. (2024). Mission accomplished? Balancing market growth and moral legitimation in the fair trade moral market. Journal of Management Studies, 61(4), 1393-1426.
  • Huybrechts, B., Nelson, D., Nelson, T., Dufays, F., & O’Shea, N. (2024). Conform and oppose through numbers: Quantifying hybrid organizations at the International Cooperative Alliance. Journal of Management Studies. Advance online publication.
  • Huybrechts, B., Pérez-Suárez, M., Cobeña, M., & Sánchez-Torné, I. (2024). Energy co-operatives in Spain: The role of social enterprises in the energy transition. Futures, 160(1), 103381.
  • Järvelä, J. (2024). Rearranging responsibilities in mining governance: How governance transference shifts capacities and expectations to multi-stakeholder initiatives. Regulation and Governance. Advance online publication.
  • Järvelä, J., Sorsa, V.-P., & Spicer, A. (2024). Silent steering: How public actors indirectly influence private stakeholder engagement. Business & Society. Advance online publication.
  • Joseph, J., Maon, F., & Berti, M. (2024). Organizing for peace: The organizational behaviors of business in conflict. Business Horizons. Advance online publication.
  • Lauriano, L., Grimm, J., & Pradilla, C. A. (2024). Navigating academia’s stressful waters: Discussing the power of horizontal linkages for early-career researchers. Business & Society, 63(3), 496-501.
  • Lauriano L., Salazar-Morales D., Rodriguez P., (2024), Governing Schools in Times of Pandemic: A Set-Theoretical Analysis of the Role of Policy Capacities in School Closure, Governance, 37(4), 1433-1463.
  • Luyckx, J., Dries, N., & Rogiers, P. (2024). What 570 experts predict the future of work will look like. Harvard Business Review.
  • Mitra, P., Kara, A., & Masurel, E. (2024). Eco-entrepreneurship as a response to sustainability and climate challenges: What have we learnt and where do we go from here? International Review of Entrepreneurship, 22(1), 1-14.
  • Pope, S., Worren, N., (2024), Connected but Conflicted: Separating Incompatible Roles in Organizations.” Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Review, 49 (1), pp. 6-31.
  • Spaiser V., Chenet H., (2024), Negative Social Tipping Dynamics Resulting from and Reinforcing Earth System Destabilisation, Earth System Dynamics, 15 (5), pp. 1179–1206
  • Swaen, V. (2024). De la décharge à l’université : Enseigner la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et le développement durable. In G. Fabry & C. Luyckx (Eds.), Ecobiographies en Anthropocène: Trajectoires d’enseignement et de recherche (pp. 145-154). Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
  • Swaen, V., Chumpitaz, R., & Vanhamme, J. (2024). Corporate social responsibility. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Communication (pp. 179-185). Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Baudoin L., Carmine S., Nava L., Poggioli N., & van den Broek O. M. (2023). Imagining a Place for Sustainability Management: An Early Career Call for Action. Journal of Management Studies, 60 (3), pp. 754-760.
  • Barroso R., Ben Ali C., Lesage C., Oyon D., (2023), Blockholder heterogeneity and audit fees: does private information matter?”, Accounting in Europe, 20(1), pp. 1-36
  • Barroso R., N’Gata D., Ormazabal G., (2023), Individual Wealth Taxes and Corporate Payouts, The Accounting Review, 98(5), pp. 1-30
  • Barroso R., Ben Ali C., Lesage C., Oyon D., (2023), Auditing complex company structures, Accounting and Business Magazine, September(1), pp. 1-5
  • Barroso R., (2023), Wealth taxes can backfire, Accounting and Business Magazine, July(2023), pp. 1-3
  • Bayle-Cordier J., Berger L., Elatmani R., Tavoni M., (2023), Breath, Love, Walk? The impact of mindfulness interventions on climate policy support and environmental attitudes, Sustainability, 15(3), pp. NA
  • Bayle-Cordier, J., Stervinou, S., Narvaiza, L., Aragon, C., & Iturrioz, C. (2023). Social entrepreneurship and divergent logics: The case of worker cooperatives in two European territories. In Dykinson, S.L. (Ed.), Las Cooperativas Como Instrumento de Politica de Empleo Ante los Nuevos Retos del Mundo del Trabajo, 978-84-1170-842-5, Editorial Dykinson, Chapter 20, pp. 691-714.
  • Bazin, Y., & Korica, M. (2023). Better CSR? Return to neighborliness. California Management Review, 65(3), 92-109.
  • Ben-Hafaïedh, C., & Hamelin, A. (2023). Questioning the Growth Dogma: A replication study. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 47(2), 628-647.
  • Bhatt M., & Vakkayil J. (2023). Belongingness on the go: Examining road warrior consultants’ experiences of belongingness with their firms. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences – Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Administration, 40(4), 458-473.
  • Bouten, L., Bayle-Cordier, J., Beldi, A., & Compernolle, T. (2023). Boards and CSR: Exploring the individual perceptions of non-executive directors. Accounting Forum, in press.
  • Carmine S., & De Marchi, V. (2023). Reviewing Paradox Theory in Corporate Sustainability Toward a Systems Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 184(1), 139-158.
  • de Bakker, F.G.A., & den Hond, F.G.A. (2023). NGOs, Activism and Sustainability. In Rasche, A., Morsing, M., Moon, J., & Kourula, A. (Eds.), Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business in a Globalised World, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Chapter 13, pp. 248-270.
  • De Colle, S., & Freeman, E. (2023). Unethical, neurotic, or both? A psychoanalytic account of ethical failures within organizations. In Dmytriyev, S. D., & Freeman, R. E. (Eds.), R. Edward Freeman’s Selected Works on Stakeholder Theory and Business Ethics, Springer, Cham, Chapter 44, pp. 659-683.
  • De Colle, S., Freeman, E., & Parmar, B. (2023). Practicing human dignity: Ethical lessons from Commedia dell’Arte and theater. In Dmytriyev, S. D., & Freeman, R. E. (Eds.), R. Edward Freeman’s Selected Works on Stakeholder Theory and Business Ethics, Springer, Cham, Chapter 39, pp. 585-605.
  • Esper, S., Barin Cruz, L., & Gond, J.-P. (2023). Engaging stakeholders during intergovernmental conflict: How political attributions shape stakeholder engagement. Journal of Business Ethics, 191(1), 1-27.
  • Hudson, B. A., Ana Aranda, A., Helms, W., Patterson, K., & Roulet, T. (2023). Standing on the shoulders of Goffman: Advancing a relational research agenda on stigma. Business & Society, 62(7), 1339-1377.
  • Huybrechts, B., Soetens, A., & Bretos, I. (2023). Decades of radical self-management at a Venezuelan cooperative: Institutional distinctiveness and ideology. In S. Novkovic, K. Miner, & C. McMahon (Eds.), Humanistic Governance in Democratic Organizations (pp. 361-396). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Joseph, J., Katsos, J., Maon, F., & Lindgreen, A. (2023). Business and peacebuilding: Substantiating the field and highlighting new frontiers. Journal of Management Studies. Advance online publication.
  • Kodeih F., Schildt H., lawrence T., (2023), Countering Indeterminate Temporariness: Sheltering work in refugee camps, Organization Studies, 44(2), pp. 175-199
  • Korca, B., Costa, E., & Bouten, L. (2023). Disentangling the concept of comparability in sustainability reporting. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14(4), 815-851.
  • Korica, M. (2023). Staying in the know in extraordinary times. In D. Dearlove (Ed.), Certain Uncertainty: Leading With Agility and Resilience in an Unpredictable World (pp. 115-122). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Korica, M., & Houtbeckers, E. (2023). Organisational decline and failure in alternative organising: The case of a coworking cooperative. In Coworking Spaces: Alternative Topologies and Transformative Potentials (pp. 51-65). Berlin: Springer.
  • Lauriano L., (2023), Gay employees on social media: Strategies to portray professionalism, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 28(2), pp. 1-14
  • Lauriano, L. (2023). The all-over-the-place academic: How to fit in an academic niche but also be free to pursue new and exciting research ideas. In S. Robinson, A. Bristow, & O. Ratle (Eds.), Doing Academic Careers Differently (pp. 23-28). London: Routledge.
  • Lauriano L., Coacci T., (2023), Losing Control: The Uncertain Management of Concealable Stigmas When Work and Social Media Collide, Academy of Management Journal, 66(1), pp. 222-247
  • Luyckx, J., Schneider, A., & Huybrechts, B. (2023). Alternative ways of organizing and responsible business. In A. Lindgreen, S. Markovic, C. Sancha Fernandez, & F. Maon (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Responsible Business. London: Routledge.
  • Maon, F., & Lindgreen, A. (2023). (Corporate) ethical branding. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Corporate Communication. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Nessah R., Crettez B., Tazdait T., (2023), On the strong ß -hybrid solution of an N-person game, Theory and Decision, 94(3), pp. 363-377
  • Soetens A., Huybrechts B., (2023), Resisting the tide: The roles of ideology in sustaining an alternative organizational form over time, Journal of Management Inquiry, 32(2), pp. 134-151
  • Vieira da Cunha J., Vega Perez M., (2023), Commensuration of healthcare quality standards through hospital accreditation: From measurement weapon to management tool?, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, 19(4), pp. 543-565
  • Vakkayil J., (2023), Indigenous people and regional resource rights: Insights from three mining regimes in northeastern India, Regional Studies, 57(3), pp. 434-446
  • Van Lent W., Hunt R., Lerner D., (2023), Historiography and the excavation of nascent business venturing, Small Business Economics, 61(1), pp. 285-303
  • Yu H., Bansal P., & Arjalies D.-L. (2023). International Business is Contributing to the Environmental Crisis. Journal of International Business Studies, 54(2023), 1151-1169.

  • Bayle-Cordier J., Rouvelin P., Savoli A., Vieira da Cunha J., (2022), An Integrative Model of Corporate Mindfulness: A Systematic Literature Review, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences – Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Administration, 39(2), pp. 199-212
  • Belkhouja M., Yoon H., Maon F., (2022), Tell me where you belong, I might cite your work: Affiliation origins, legitimation efforts, and the citation of team-produced research in business and management scholarship, M@n@gement, 25(1), pp. 49-65
  • Brown J., de Bakker F., Bapuji H., Higgins C., Rehbein K., Spicer A., (2022), Building on its past: The future of business and society scholarship, Business & Society, 61(5), pp. 967-979
  • Brown J., Spicer A., Rehbein K., Higgins C., de Bakker F., Bapuji H., (2022), More Than an Umbrella Construct: We Can (and Should) Do Better With CSR by Theorizing Through Context, Business & Society, 61(8), pp. 1965-1976
  • Castillo M., (2022), Managing Corporate Social Responsibility through social learning, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2022(2022), pp. 1-12
  • de Bakker F., Bapuji H., Brown J., Higgins C., Rehbein K., Spicer A., (2022), From the Editors: Introducing Impact, Business & Society, 61(4), pp. 791-794
  • De Kerviler G., Slavich B., Ardelet C., (2022), Ethical judgment of sexual ads featuring women: the role of identification to feminine archetype, Journal of Business Research, 142(March), pp. 899-913
  • Goethals F., Ziegelmayer J., (2022), Anxiety Buffers and the Threat of Extreme Automation: A Terror Management Theory Perspective, Information Technology and People, 35(1), pp. 96-118
  • Goodrick E., Bagdasarian J. , Jarvis L., (2022), Not on skid row: Stigma management in addiction treatment organizations, <i>Journal of Management Studies, 59(8), pp. 2067-2100
  • Järvelä, J., (2022), The mine or the mire? Mobilising place in natural resource struggles. Journal of Business Ethics, in press
  • Ligonie M., (2022), Sharing sustainability through control activities, Strategic Finance, 103(10), pp. 21-22
  • Mitra P., Janssen F., Hermans J., Kickul J., (2022), Social entrepreneurial crowdfunding: Influence of the type of rewards and of prosocial motivation on the crowds’ willingness to contribute, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 34(9-10), pp. 1001 – 1024
  • Seremani T. W., Farias C., Clegg S., (2022), New Order and Old Institutions: South Africa and the Institutional Work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Organization Studies, 43(4), pp. 573– 593
  • Yacoub G., Castillo M., (2022), Blockchain in your Grocery Basket: Trust and Traceability as a Strategy, Journal of Business Strategy, 43(4), pp. 247-256
  • Yacoub G., Mitra P., Ratinho T., Fatalot F., (2022), Sustainable Entrepreneurs: What Drives Them to Engage in Different Crowdfunding Types?, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 28(4), pp. 980-1000

  • Coulaty B., Roussel-Sargis C., (2021), Piloter l’engagement des travailleurs dans l’espace et le temps, nouveau défi du leadership, Harvard Business Review online, mai 2021
  • de Vaujany F. X., Leclercq-Vandelannoitte A., Munro I., Nama Y., Holt R., (2021), Control and Surveillance in Work Practice: Cultivating Paradox in ‘New’ Modes of Organizing, Organization Studies, 42(5), pp. 675-695
  • Di Benedetto C. A., Lindgreen A., Belkhouja M., Yoon D. H., Maon F., Nunkoo R., (2021), Examining the evolution of citations and team composition in Industrial Marketing Management, Industrial Marketing Management, 97(1), pp. A14-A19
  • Eskandarpour M., Dejax P., Péton O., (2021), Multi-Directional Local Search for Sustainable Supply Chain Network Design, International Journal of Production Research, 59(2), pp. 412-428
  • Farias C., Seremani T. W., Fernández P., (2021), Popular Culture, Moral Narratives and Organizational Portrayals: A Multimodal Reflexive Analysis of a Reality Television Show, Journal of Business Ethics, 171(2), pp. 211-226
  • Gardinier E., Debrulle J., (2021), Beware the politically skilled maverick: Political skill interacts with maverickism to predict unethical decision-making, Management Decision, 59(8), pp. 1990-2004
  • Graafland J., de Bakker F., (2021), Crowding in or crowding out? How non-governmental organizations and media influence intrinsic motivations towards corporate social and environmental responsibility, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 64(13), pp. 2386-2409
  • Kickul J., Mitra P., Weaver R., Orr J., Winkler C., (2021), Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Social Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, forthcoming(forthcoming), pp. 1-6
  • Leclercq-Vandelannoitte A., (2021), Seeing to be seen: The manager’s political economy of visibility in new ways of working, European Management Journal, 39(5), pp. 605-616
  • Leclercq-Vandelannoitte A., (2021), The new paternalism? The workplace as a place to work—and to live, Organization, 28(6), pp. 949–975
  • Maon F., Swaen V., De Roeck K., (2021), Corporate branding and corporate social responsibility: Toward a multi-stakeholder interpretive perspective,Journal of Business Research, 126(March), pp. 64-77
  • Mariano S., Awazu Y., (2021), I Hear You: Unpacking Common Knowledge in the Context of Organizational Meetings, Journal of Knowledge Management, 25(10), pp. 2567-2592
  • Mazza P., Wang S., (2021), Corporate legal insider trading in China: performance and determinants, International Review of Law and Economics, 68, pp. 106024
  • Munten P., Vanhamme J., Maon F., Swaen V., Lindgreen A., (2021), Addressing Tensions in Coopetition for Sustainable Innovation: Insights from the Automotive Industry, Journal of Business Research, 136(November), pp. 10-20
  • Stervinou S., Bayle-Cordier J., Narvaiza L., Aragon C., Iturrioz C., (2021), Exploring the Interplay between context and enterprise purpose in participative social entrepreneurship: the perceptions of worker cooperative entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 33(9), pp. pp.758-788
  • Savarese, C., Huybrechts, B., & Hudon, M. (2021), The influence of interorganizational collaboration on logic conciliation and tensions within hybrid organizations: Insights from social enterprise–corporate collaborations. Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 173(4), pp. 709-721
  • Swaen V., Demoulin N., Pauwels-Delassus V., (2021), Impact of customers’ perceptions regarding corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility in the grocery retailing industry: The role of corporate reputation, Journal of Business Research, 131(July), pp. 709-721
  • Toivonen A., Seremani T. W., (2021), The enemy within: The legitimating role of local elites in the global managerial colonization of the Global South, Organization, 28(5), pp. 798-816
  • Vakkayil J., (2021), Governance Settlements and Transitions in Indigenous Areas of Limited Statehood: The Case of Coalmining in Meghalaya, Business & Society, 60(7), pp. 1643– 1674
  • Vallaster C., Maon F., Lindgreen A., Vanhamme J., (2021), Serving multiple masters: The role of micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities in addressing tensions in for-profit hybrid organizations, Organization Studies, 42(6), pp. 911-947
  • van Hille I., De Bakker F., Groenewegen P., Ferguson J., (2021), Strategizing Nature in Cross-Sector Partnerships: Can Plantation Revitalization Enable Living Wages?, Organization and Environment, 34(2), pp. 175-197

  • Bapuji H., Brown J., De Bakker F., Higgins C., Rehbein K., Spicer A., (2020), From the editors, Business & Society, 59(1), pp. 3-4
  • Bapuji H., De Bakker F., Brown J., Higgins C., Rehbein K., Spicer A., (2020), Business and Society Research in Times of the Corona Crisis, Business & Society, 59(6)
  • Creed W.   D., Hudson B.  A., Okhuysen G., Smith-Crowe K., (2020), A place in the world: Vulnerability, wellbeing, and the ubiquitous evaluation that animates participation in institutional processes, Academy of Management Review, 47(3), pp. 358–381
  • De Bakker F., Matten D., Spence L., Wickert C., (2020), The Elephant in the Room: The Nascent Research Agenda on Corporations, Social Responsibility, and Capitalism, Business & Society, 59(7), pp. 1295-1302
  • Farias C., Sauce L., (2020), Guest editorial: Entrepreneurship, alternative practices, and the (dis)organization of cultural and institutional arrangements, Society and Business Review, 15(4), pp. 297-303
  • Laguecir A., Kern A., Kharoubi C., (2020), Management accounting systems in institutional complexity: Hysteresis and boundaries of practices in social housing, Management Accounting Research, 49(100715), pp. 1-14
  • Laguecir A., Chapman C., Kern A., (2020), Profitability calculations under trial of strength: Insights into intra-accounting variation in a social housing organization, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 33(4), pp. 727-751
  • Parrotta P., Jochem A., Valletta G., (2020), The impact of the 2002 reform of the EU leniency program on cartel outcomes, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 71
  • Rehbein K., Leonel R., Den Hond F., De Bakker F., (2020), How do firms that are changing the world engage politically?, Rutgers Business Review, 5(2), pp. 203-225
  • van Hille I., De Bakker F., Ferguson J., Groenewegen P., (2020), Cross-sector partnerships for sustainability: How mission-driven conveners drive change in national coffee platforms, Sustainability
  • Yapici Herrmann N., Hudson B. A., (2020), Mobilizing scandal to stop a deal: The politicization of cross-border M&As, Journal of International Management, 26(2020), pp. 100759

  • Barberá-Tomás D., Castelló-Molina I., De Bakker F., Zietsma C., (2019), Energizing through visuals: How social entrepreneurs use emotion-symbolic work for social change, Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), pp. 1789-1817
  • Bruneel J., Cherchye L., (2019), Data envelopment analysis and social enterprises: analysing performance, strategic orientation, and mission drift, Journal of Business Ethics, 159(2), pp. 325–341
  • Byrne J., Abbas A., Jackman L., Galloway L., (2019), ‘Gender, Intersecting Identities, and Entrepreneurship Research: An Introduction to a Special Section on Intersectionality’, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 25(8), pp. 1703-1705
  • Crane A., De Bakker F., Henriques I., Husted B., (2019), Taking stock at Business & Society: Reflections on our tenure as co-editors, 2015-2019., Business & Society, 58(8), pp. 1483-1495
  • De Bakker F., Crane A., Henriques I., Husted B., (2019), Publishing interdisciplinary research in Business & Society, Business & Society, 58(3), pp. 443-452
  • De Bakker F., Rasche A., Ponte S., (2019), Multi-stakeholder initiatives on sustainability: A cross-disciplinary review and research agenda for business ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, 29(3), pp. 343-383
  • Everaert P., Bouten L., Baele A., (2019), CSR website disclosure: the influence of the upper echelons, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 32(2), pp. 421-455
  • Jarvis L., Goodrick E., Hudson B. A., (2019), Where the Heart Functions Best: The Role of Suppressed Emotion in Disruptive Institutional Work, Academy of Management Journal, 62(5), pp. 1358–1387
  • Kok A., De Bakker F., Groenewegen P., (2019), Sustainability struggles: conflicting cultures and incompatible logics, Business & Society, 58(8), pp. 1496-1532
  • Laguecir A., Leca B., (2019), Strategies of visibility in contemporary surveillance settings: Insights from misconduct concealment in financial markets, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 62(July 2019), pp. 39-58
  • Maon F., Lindgreen A., (2019), Editorial: Organization and Management Paradoxes, International Journal of Management Reviews, 21(2), pp. 139-142
  • Maon F., Vanhamme J., De Roeck K., Lindgreen A., Swaen V., (2019), The dark side of stakeholder reactions to corporate social responsibility: Tensions and micro-level undesirable outcomes, International Journal of Management Reviews, 21(2), pp. 209-230
  • Mitra P., Kickul J., Gundry L., Orr J., (2019), The Rise of Hybrids: A Note for Social Entrepreneurship Educators, International Review of Entrepreneurship, 17(2), pp. 107-126
  • Petitjean M., (2019), Eco-Friendly Policies and Financial Performance: Was the Financial Crisis a Game Changer for Large US Companies?, Energy Economics, 80, pp. 502-511
  • Rieu Plichon, C., « Le manager face aux paradoxes du changement : le rôle de la capabilité négative », Revue Française de Gestion, 2019, vol. 278, no. 1, pp. 105-119
  • Staessens M., Kerstens P., Bruneel J., Cherchye L., (2019), Data envelopment analysis and social enterprises: analysing performance, strategic orientation, and mission drift, Journal of Business Ethics, 159(2), pp. 325–341
  • van Hille I., De Bakker F., Ferguson J., Groenewegen P., (2019), Navigating tensions in a cross-sector social partnership: How a convener drives change for sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(2), pp. 317-329
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