On June 6th, we’ll discuss natural resources’ extraction and uses and their impacts on local communities’ day-to-day life and on stakeholders’ collaborations to achieve sustainability. First, Alvin Panjeta (Université Paris-Est Créteil) will present ...
On May 24th, our ICOR Seminar will point at the complexities lying behind the private sector’s financial endeavors and narratives addressing climate change. First, Ioana Sendroiu (University of Hong Kong) will present her paper “Market bootstrapping ...
International companies may develop global policies for their HR practices – but one of the key challenges is ensuring that practices are adapted to the national culture and legal frameworks. A recent study by IÉSEG professors from ICON and Guanghua School of Management (Peking University) has analyzed how three different HRM practices can impact corporate innovation across different national cultural contexts. Read more. ...
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